- Start date: 11/2021
- End date: 10/2024
- Coordinator: Jesús Arauzo
- Type: —
- Funding: 843.649,16 €
The aim of this industrial research project is to develop biofuels through process intensification of several production processes.
We seek flexible scenarios with the double objective of lower production costs and allow the use of a wide range of raw materials.
This project is carried out in collaboration with Urbaser, SA and the Surface Chemistry and Catalysis Group at University of Seville.

Proyecto PLEC2021-008086, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR
November 26, 2021. Kick-off meeting
The kickoff meeting took place in Zaragoza (Nov. 26, 2021):

November 25, 2022. Second follow-up meeting
On November 25, the second follow-up meeting of the project was held. This meeting took place in Seville, specifically at the Materials Science Institute (CSIC) located in the Isla de la Cartuja Scientific Research Center.
The meeting was attended by members; from the research team of the URBASER company, headed by its Innovation Director, Eduardo Fernández, from the University of Zaragoza and the University of Seville. During the working day, a presentation was made, by the 3 research teams, of the development work and milestones achieved, as well as a review of the actions to be carried out in the next semester.

El 25 de Noviembre se celebró la segunda reunión de seguimiento del proyecto. Esta reunión tuvo lugar en Sevilla, concretamente en el Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales (CSIC) ubicado en en el Centro de Investigaciones Científicas Isla de la Cartuja.
A la reunión asistieron miembros; del equipo de investigación de la empresa URBASER, encabezado por su Director de Innovación, Eduardo Fernández, de la Universidad de Zaragoza y de la Universidad de Sevilla
Durante la jornada de trabajo se hizo una exposición, por parte de los 3 equipos de investigación, del trabajo desarrollo e hitos alcanzados, así un repaso de la actuaciones a realizar en el próximo semestre .