Proyectos Conversión de combustibles y minimización de emisionesPromoted conversion of a carbon free fuel: NH3 (NH3PROM)Study of the oxidation of mixtures of ammonia and biorefinery fuels and their impact on pollutant emissions (SOMA)Minimización de contaminantes (COS y CS2) en el proceso Claus utilizando gas ácidoStudy of the effect of hydrogen sulfide in combustion processes of different gas mixtures, and its impact on the emission of pollutantsSustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams (Waste2fuels)Chemistry of Smart Energy Carriers and Technologies (SMARCATS)Experimental and numerical investigation of the catalytic effects of inorganic matter on the gasificacion of biomass residues (CERES)Study of the oxidation of NH3 and its mixtures with CH4 or H2, evaluating the impact on pollutant emissions (SOAP)TRAFAIR (Understanding Traffic Flows to Improve Air Quality)