- Start date: 06/03/2015
- End date: 30/04/2019
- Coordinador: CNR-Napoli. María U. Alzueta (working group 2 and Zaragoza team) Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. María U. Alzueta (Zaragoza team)
- Tipo: —
- Funding: COST Action European Union (CM1404)
SMARTCATS COST Action aimed to set-up a Europe-wide network of leading academic and research institutions and key industries to promote the use of smart energy carriers on a large scale in order to increase fuel flexibility and carbon efficiency of energy production and to support distributed energy generation strategies.
The approach to accomplish this aim has been twofold: Academic/research organizations devoted strong efforts to bring together fundamental/advanced numerical and diagnostic tools to improve the understanding of combustion kinetics and by-products formation of smart energy carriers at micro/meso-scale levels.
The exchange between academic and industrial partners supported the optimization of tools developed in the Action exploiting the way that smart energy carriers could be utilized at the macro-scale in advanced combustion technology devices.
This Academia-Industry interaction led to the identification of standards and criteria for development of searchable databases and Internet tool devoted to integration of experimental and numerical combustion chemical/physical data capable to provide an easy access to such information relevant to smart energy carrier components.